Plan Bay Area 2050 (2021)
Guided by input from more than 20,000 Bay Area residents, Plan Bay Area 2050 is defined by strategies for housing, economic growth, transportation and the environment crafted to make the Bay Area more resilient and equitable over the next 30 years. The plan charts a course to make our nine-county region more affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant for all its residents through 2050 and beyond. While prior iterations of Plan Bay Area focused on transportation and housing, this plan expands in scope to introduce strategies for long-term economic development and environmental resilience, while meeting all federal and state requirements.
Developed by the Bay Area’s two regional planning agencies, MTC and ABAG, Plan Bay Area 2050 lays out a $1.4 trillion vision for policies and investments to help all residents of the Bay Area’s nine counties — Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma. Plan Bay Area 2050 neither funds specific infrastructure projects nor changes local policies. Cities and counties retain all local land use authority. Plan Bay Area 2050 does identify a potential path forward for future investments, as well as the types of public policies necessary to realize a future growth pattern for housing and jobs.
The heart of Plan Bay Area 2050 is 35 strategies. These strategies are public policies or investments that can be implemented in the Bay Area at the city, county, regional or state level — with equity interwoven into each. Multiple cycles of meticulous analysis and rigorous public engagement informed Plan Bay Area 2050, with many voices contributing to the plan. Engagement was fundamental to shaping the plan, and the COVID-19 pandemic required innovation and flexibility through new online methods that enabled more diverse voices to weigh in at multiple decision points.
Plan Bay Area 2050 is the first long-range regional plan for the Bay Area to explore strategies in uncertain futures rather than focus on predicting the future. It is also the first plan to lead with equity at the core of each strategy, lay out a roadmap showing “what it would take” to tackle the intractable housing crisis, integrate bold new strategies from all-lane road pricing to lowering speed limits, sketch out an initial vision to mitigate near-term sea level rise impacts, and identify near-term implementation actions for all 35 strategies.
Ultimately, Plan Bay Area 2050 reflects a shared vision that cannot be implemented by any single organization or government agency. Only through partnership with local, state and federal governments, as well as with businesses and non-profit organizations, will the plan’s strategies come to fruition.
This long-range planning process was comprised of several phases:
- Horizon (Spring 2018 to Fall 2019): A predecessor initiative to Plan Bay Area 2050, Horizon explored a suite of strategies to ensure a more resilient and equitable future in the face of uncertainty.
- Draft Blueprint (Fall 2019 to Summer 2020): Integrating the recommendations from Horizon, the Draft Blueprint served as a “first draft” of Plan Bay Area 2050. Comprised of 25 strategies, it was designed to advance the plan vision of a more affordable, connected, diverse, healthy, and vibrant Bay Area for all.
- Final Blueprint (Summer 2020 to End of 2020): Building on the Draft Blueprint, the Final Blueprint refined and expanded strategies to make further progress on the five key challenges identified in the Draft Blueprint analysis, while integrating robust public feedback received during the summer of 2020.
- Draft Plan Bay Area 2050 (Spring 2021 to Fall 2021): Released May 26, 2021, the draft plan sets the introductory context, outlines all 35 approved plan strategies, highlights the outcomes of the plan, and introduces the Implementation Plan.
- Environmental Impact Report (Fall 2020 to Fall 2021): The Environmental Impact Report is analyzing the potential environmental effects of the Final Blueprint, as well as a range of alternatives, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
- Implementation Plan (Fall 2020 to Fall 2021): The Implementation Plan is defining specific near-term actions for ABAG, MTC and partners to advance each of the strategies adopted in the Final Blueprint, focusing on the next five years.
- Final Plan Bay Area 2050 (Fall 2021): Adopted in October 2021, the plan charts the course for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area for the next 30 years.
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