Final Supplemental Reports

The Plan Bay Area 2050 supplemental reports provide more detail on specific subject areas covered in the plan.

Air Quality Conformity Report

The Air Quality Conformity Report demonstrates that Plan Bay Area 2050 and the Amended 2021 Transportation Improvement Program conform with the latest U.S. Environmental Protection Agency transportation conformity regulations and the Bay Area Conformity State Implementation Plan.

Equity Analysis Report

The equity analysis for Plan Bay Area 2050 reflects on the equity lens approach used in the planning process and shares forecasted outcomes of the plan and its impact on existing disparities in the region. The analysis also demonstrates MTC’s compliance as a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) with federal requirements related to Title VI and environmental justice in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) development process.

Forecasting and Modeling Report

This report presents a technical overview of the demographic, economic, land use and travel simulation modeling that supported the development of Plan Bay Area 2050. This includes documentation of the inputs, assumptions and processes used to forecast future patterns and behavior, as well as a discussion of how these items varied for each EIR Alternative. The report also details the regional forecast of jobs, population, and housing growth by jurisdiction and county.

Implementation Plan Briefs

This document is a series of briefs that accompany each of the 35 strategies included in Plan Bay Area 2050, providing more detailed information on implementation priorities for the next five years. Each brief includes an assessment of strategy success factors, a recommended MTC/ABAG implementation role, MTC/ABAG implementation actions and timeframes, and strategic partners for implementation, as well as an overall summary plus key considerations moving forward. These briefs focus on  implementation actions as identified by MTC/ABAG through collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, partners and the public, though they do not preclude recognition of new implementation priorities over the course of the coming years.

Native American Tribal Outreach and Government-to-Government Consultation Report

State and federal regulations require MTC and ABAG to conduct government-to-government consultation with tribal governments of federally recognized Native American tribes regarding MTC and ABAG’s planning and programming activities, as well as to analyze and avoid or mitigate impacts to Native American cultural resources under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This report documents MTC and ABAG’s engagement and government-to-government consultation activities with the region’s Native American tribes during the preparation of Plan Bay Area 2050.

Performance Report

This report describes the performance assessment activities that supported the development of Plan Bay Area 2050, including the assessment of individual strategies and transportation investments under different external forces through the Horizon initiative and the performance assessment of the packages of strategies that comprise the plan and EIR Alternatives. Performance activities emphasized the plan’s cross-cutting themes of resilience and equity, enabled by new and improved techniques to assess equity impacts. This report also contains a summary of federal transportation performance monitoring activities.

Public Engagement Report

A comprehensive program of public involvement activities is a key part of MTC and ABAG’s long-range plan development process for Plan Bay Area 2050. This report details outreach and engagement activities with the public, local government officials and partners, and includes a federal Public Participation Plan that describes the public’s involvement in the plan’s development and engagement activities. The engagement activities ranged from one-on-one meetings to multi-lingual workshops to public hearings with the public, community-based organizations, nonprofits and private sector partners in each of the region’s nine counties. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual and telephone activities were incorporated into the public engagement program for Plan Bay Area 2050.

Technical Assumptions Report

This report details the assumptions that were used to craft Plan Bay Area 2050 across the areas of housing, the economy, transportation and the environment over the plan period (2021 to 2050). The report documents the methodology used to forecast future revenues available from federal, state, regional and local sources. It also includes a detailed description of the estimated funding needed to operate and maintain the existing system of transit services, local streets and roads, highways, and local and regional bridges. For each of the 35 strategies, it includes a detailed strategy description and information on strategy cost assumptions.

Transportation Project List

The Transportation Project List individually lists the projects and programs included in Plan Bay Area 2050.

The Transportation Project List has been updated to reflect a plan amendment adopted by the MTC Commission and the ABAG Executive Board on November 14, 2024.