Plan Bay Area 2050 Final Blueprint Documents

Noah Berger
The materials and documents developed as part of the Final Blueprint planning phase are below, including memoranda and technical analysis reports, as well as other useful resources.
Final Blueprint Compendium
- Strategies (Dec. 2020)
- Growth Geographies (Dec. 2020)
- Investment Analysis (Dec. 2020)
- Equity and Performance Outcomes (Dec. 2020)
- Growth Pattern (Jan. 2021)
Staff Memoranda and Presentations
- Final Blueprint: Outcomes & Growth Pattern Staff Presentation (Dec. 2020)
- Revised Final Blueprint Strategy EN7: Staff Memo and Presentation (Nov./Dec. 2020)
- Final Blueprint: Staff Memo and Presentation (Sept. 2020)
Guiding Documents
Technical Resources
- Final Blueprint: Growth Geographies Interactive Webmap (Oct. 2020)
- PDA Implementation: Draft Technical Memorandum (Sept. 2020)
- Plan Bay Area 2050 and Sea Level Rise Adaptation (Oct. 2020)
- Final Blueprint: Transportation Element & Associated Projects (Sept. 2020)
- Plan Bay Area 2050: Regional Growth Forecast Methodology (Sep. 2019)