Plan Bay Area 2050 Blueprint
The Plan Bay Area 2050 Blueprint ("the Blueprint") was the “first draft” of Plan Bay Area 2050.

From Horizon to the Draft Blueprint
Twenty-five Draft Blueprint strategies were identified through the Horizon Initiative and through a robust planning process including Futures Planning and the Project Performance Assessment. These strategies were tested against a wide range of external forces to see which policies and investments would best respond to an uncertain future. The strategies were refined by iteration and deep engagement with our partners, policymakers and Bay Area residents. Refer to the Draft Blueprint comments page for the results of these engagement efforts. All Draft Blueprint documents can be found on the Plan Bay Area 2050 Draft Blueprint Documents webpage.
From Draft Blueprint to Final Blueprint
Following technical analysis and public engagement to tackle challenging areas of the Draft Blueprint, the 25 strategies were refined and expanded into 35 transportation, housing, economic and environmental strategies for inclusion in the Final Blueprint. The 35 strategies, along with the Growth Geographies and the Regional Growth Forecast, were approved by the Commission and the ABAG Executive Board in September 2020. Finally, the Blueprint development process came to an end with the release of the Final Blueprint Outcomes, which were approved by MTC and ABAG in January 2021. All Final Blueprint documents can be found on the Plan Bay Area 2050 Final Blueprint Documents webpage.