meeting Details

Plan Bay Area 2050+ Partner and Stakeholder Technical Workshop (Virtual)

Thursday, September 7, 2023 - 1 p.m.

Register for the Virtual Workshop

Thursday, September 7, 2023, 1 to 3 p.m.

Given Plan Bay Area 2050’s solid foundation of 35 strategies, the Draft Blueprint phase for Plan Bay Area 2050+ will focus on making targeted refinements to select plan strategies. Our partners and stakeholders are invited to participate in one of two technical workshops where staff will provide an overview of the Plan Bay Area 2050+ timeline and process.

The goal of these workshops is to hear how the last three years have shaped the “new normal” for participant's organizations; how partner organization's priorities and concerns may have shifted; and to solicit feedback on anticipated Draft Blueprint strategic refinements.

Due to the interactive nature of the workshops, attendance is limited to 80 participants per workshop. Please note: Workshop 2 will not be held in person due to minimal registration. The workshop will now be held via Zoom.

View details for Virtual Workshop 1. Note: The content of each workshop will be the same. Please register for only one workshop.