Does Plan Bay Area force local governments to accept regional dictates in order to receive transportation funding?

Plan Bay Area does not require local governments to implement regional requirements in order to receive transportation funding. The majority of funding in the Plan ($232 billion, or 80%) is already committed for specific purposes. The remaining $57 billion in revenues are available for assignment through the plan. As revenues become available, MTC assigns these funds to specific projects and programs, and may, at its discretion, include specific requirements. For the One Bay Area Grant program (OBAG) — which is slated to receive 5% of funding included in the Plan — MTC requires recipients to comply with existing state law by having an approved housing element. MTC directs the majority of OBAG funds to areas that local jurisdictions have nominated and have been approved as Priority Development Areas, though it is not a requirement to be designated a PDA in order to receive funding. So the Plan itself does not dictate specific requirements to local governments, rather the subsequent funding programs may include policies to ensure scarce transportation revenues are invested appropriately and in a manner that supports implementation of the Plan.