Recap: Plan Bay Area 2050+ Summer 2024 Engagement

This summer, nearly 13,800 Bay Area residents were active in the second round of public engagement for Plan Bay Area 2050+, culminating in an outreach effort that was among the most extensive in the plan’s history. Led by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), this focused update to the long-range plan for transportation, housing, the economy and the environment seeks to address challenges and refine strategies informed by public input.
From July to September 2024, staff organized 50+ engagement activities, which included workshops, discussion groups, presentations to community groups, a workshop hosted by a partner community-based organization (CBO), two technical workshops and a webinar, to gather feedback from communities across the nine-county Bay Area. These efforts resulted in over 500 participants at pop-up events and generated nearly 1,300 comments. An online survey, available in Chinese, English, Spanish and Vietnamese, garnered over 2,300 responses and more than 700 additional comments.
Inclusive Bay Area for All
The partnerships with CBOs were instrumental in reaching historically underserved communities. By focusing on Equity Priority Communities, staff ensured that voices from areas with higher concentrations of limited-English proficient individuals, youth, people of color, and low-income residents were heard. CBO partners were essential in promoting the workshops and survey, collecting hundreds of hard-copy surveys, and establishing a multi-lingual “Listening Line” for residents to leave voice-recorded comments.
Staff also engaged with the disability community through a dedicated listening session and encouraged public feedback via email. For technical stakeholders, staff hosted two virtual workshops and a technical webinar. These sessions attracted over 200 attendees from various local governments, transit agencies and advocacy organizations, providing detailed input on strategy refinements. Additional engagement with technical partners and stakeholders is anticipated over the remainder of the fall.
The engagement activities highlighted several key topics and themes:
- Transit Improvements: Emphasis on increasing transit frequency, improving connections, and enhancing safety and cleanliness.
- Housing and Land Use: Focus on the complexities of implementing housing strategies, preserving industrial lands and streamlining development processes.
- Roads and Tolling: Importance of equity in roadway pricing strategies and the need for public education to address community concerns.
Read the Nov. 8 Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee memo for a complete summary of summer engagement activities.
Next Steps
MTC/ABAG planning staff will integrate feedback received from the public, partners and policymakers into the Final Blueprint. The MTC Commission and ABAG Executive Board are anticipated to adopt the Final Blueprint for further study and analysis in early 2025.