Public Comment Period Now Open for Draft Participation Plan
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) invites comments on the Draft 2023 Public Participation Plan (PPP) for the San Francisco Bay Area. Released today, the plan outlines the various opportunities and ways for the public to get involved in MTC’s work and the development of the next iteration of Plan Bay Area.
The public is encouraged to review the draft document and provide feedback online. The online comment form is available in three languages:
Comments also can be emailed to with the subject line “PPP 2023” or mailed to the MTC Public Information Office at 375 Beale Street, Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94105.
Comments are due by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 10, 2023.
The public comment period offers community members the chance to review and provide feedback on the proposed framework for how MTC will conduct public engagement activities. State and federal law require metropolitan planning organizations such as MTC to adopt participation plans that outline the opportunities to get involved in the transportation planning process.
The Draft 2023 Public Participation Plan proposes enhancements to MTC’s previous participation plan that are geared toward:
- better reaching Equity Priority Communities, or communities in census tracts that have a significant concentration of underserved populations;
- offering more comprehensive public engagement techniques; and
- refining MTC’s guiding principles for engagement.
The draft plan also highlights planning and decision-making milestones along with public engagement opportunities for Plan Bay Area 2050+, MTC’s forthcoming update to the Bay Area’s long-range transportation and land-use blueprint.
Following the close of the public comment period on April 10, 2023, MTC staff will review the input received from residents and update the draft plan as needed before bringing it to the Commission for final adoption, which is slated for early summer 2023.
To request a printed copy of the draft document, please call MTC’s Public Information Office at (415) 778-6757.
Learn more about MTC’s Public Participation Plan.
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