EIR Scoping Meetings

Comments received during the scoping phase are being considered now as ABAG and MTC are preparing the Draft Environmental Impact Report for Plan Bay Area 2050.

As a related action accompanying the release of the Notice of Preparation (Notice of Preparation in Spanish, Notice of Preparation in Chinese), scoping sessions provided an opportunity to further define environmental issues, feasible alternatives and potential mitigation measures that may warrant in-depth analysis in the environmental review process.

Your Feedback Is Important

During the scoping phase, MTC and ABAG were particularly interested in hearing stakeholders’ views on the following questions:

  1. Are there any alternatives you believe MTC-ABAG should evaluate?
  2. What types of mitigation measures do you think would help avoid or minimize potential environmental effects?

Pre-Recorded Webinar

Learn more about Plan Bay Area 2050 and the related Environmental Impact Report process in this 20 minute video.


MTC and ABAG invited all interested agencies, organizations and individuals to submit comments and/or participate in a virtual scoping meeting for the Draft EIR. Oral comments were accepted during the virtual scoping meeting and written comments were accepted through October 28, 2020.

Virtual Scoping Meeting

Watch the video recording of the Scoping Meeting.


Contact EIR Project Manager Adam Noelting at ANoelting@bayareametro.gov.

Language Assistance

Do you need an interpreter or any other assistance to participate? Please call (415) 778-6757. We require at least three working days’ notice to accommodate interpreter requests. For TDD or hearing impaired, call 711, California Relay Service, or 1 (800) 735-2929 (TTY), 1 (800) 735-2922 (voice) and ask to be relayed to (415) 778-6700.

¿Necesita un intérprete u otra asistencia para participar? Por favor llame al (415) 778-6757. Solicitamos tres días hábiles para poder coordinar servicios de interprete. Para servicios de TDD o para sordomudos, favor de llamar al 711 al Servicio de Retransmisión de California o al 1 (800) 735-2929 (para TTY) o al 1 (800) 735-2922 (para voz) y pida que lo conecten al (415) 778-6700.

您是否需要翻譯員或任何其他幫助才能參加呢?請提前三天致電 (415) 778-6757. 有聽覺或者语言障碍的人士, 请打电话到711, 加州传达服务. 电传打字机的联系号码是 1 (800) 735-2929, 需要语音服务可以打电话到 1 (800) 735-2922, 然后要求传达到 (415) 778-6700.

EIR Scoping Meetings