Alameda County Today

Alameda County Today

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)’s Vital Signs is a data-driven website that allows us to understand the Bay Area’s performance regarding transportation, land use, environmental and economic trends. Many of the Vital Signs measures originate from the performance targets developed in Plan Bay Area 2013, the region's long-range transportation and housing blueprint. Here is a look at Alameda County today through the lens of some of these transportation and housing statistics.

Alameda County is home to 43 locally nominated PDAs and 16 PCAs. Click here to learn more about a selection of PDAs in Alameda County.

Alameda County Housing

What Housing is Being Built?

Housing reflects the unique values and lifestyles of a community. Factors that influence types of housing include General Plans, zoning, population growth, household size, job availability, access to transportation, income and the cost of living. For more information, read here.